HomeDVMWhat Is Animal Breeding System What Are Types Of Breeding

What Is Animal Breeding System What Are Types Of Breeding

Breeding system involves the process of preserving the desirable traits and transferring it from parents to offspring, allowing them to acquire those particular traits. There are many different types of breeding systems that are used in the dairy farms. In this blog post we are going to share with you the the details about what is animal breeding system what are types of breeding in detail. So stay connected.

Breeding system is considered as one of the most difficult and sensitive duties to handle and perform in veterinary medicine. As a veterinarian if you want to have a healthy pocket, then this can be the right job for you.

Traditional Animal Breeding

Traditional Breeding

This is the most common type of the animal breeding system. Although different mating or breeding strategies from ordinary to advanced methods have been implemented to acquire better quality of milk and meat production. But this method is particularly employed in under developed dairy farms. In this technique, animals of same or different breeds (for cross breeding) are selected and are allowed to mate with each other. The cross breeding is beneficial and has dominance over inbreeding (mating the animals of same breed). Because it utilizes the phenomena of heterosis. As a result the upcoming generation will come up with better and amplified quality of traits as compared to their parents i.e production, fertility and disease resistance.

Artificial Insemination

What Is Animal Breeding System What Are Types Of Breeding

As a veterinarian you might be familiar with this breeding method. It is a technique which involves collecting sperm sample from male and transferring it into female reproductive tract. The primary benefit of this procedure is that it reduces the maintenance cost of the bull. This method also allows you to prevent the sexually transmitted diseases. Through this unique process you can also improve the acquired traits of the future offspring by mating bulls of superior quality. Here are the following steps you should follow during artificial insemination.

  • First you need to make sure that both male and female are in heating state.
  • In female you might notice redness and swelling of vulva and mucus discharge. While males seem restless and in excited state. Sometimes they lick their partner or mount on their back.
  • Before inseminating the semen follow the personal safety protocols. Wear gloves and disinfect the vulva before inserting the semen sample.
  • Fill the insemination gun with semen sample. Then penetrate it through vulva. Insert your hand to pave way for the insemination gun other wise it can damage the internal muscles. Because the muscles of the cervix might interfere during the penetration.
  • Once It has crossed the cervix muscles, then inject the semen into the uterus.

Embryo Transfer

What Is Animal Breeding System What Are Types Of Breeding

It is one of the advanced breeding techniques which has now also been introduced in animals as well. This method has been proved really effective by improving the chances of pregnancy. It is also an effective tool for treating infertility problems in females. This process involves the following procedure.

  • The semen is injected into the female body to initiate the fertilization process.
  • Once the embryo has been formed, it is flushed out of the female’s uterus.
  • Then the embryo is implanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother.

In vitro Fertilization

What Is Animal Breeding System What Are Types Of Breeding

It is a method of breeding and it involves a complex procedure. It is an effective tool for the treatment of infertility problems in cattle and preventing genetic problems to be transmitted to the offspring. The whole procedure may take three to four weeks but in some cases it might be prolonged. This process is consists of the following steps. Click here for more information

  • The female is artificially super-ovulated through injecting follicle-stimulating hormone (just in case if the female is infertile).
  • Then the eggs after ovulation, collected in a test tube and sperm is added to initiate fertilization.
  • Then a two week aged embryo is implanted into the female uterus. Sometimes these embryo further split to produce multi embryo. This condition is called multi pregnancy.
  • So there are chances for the sires to give birth to more than one neonates.

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

This is so called one step towards the advancement in the field of animal breeding technology. This method brought a great revolution in the animal reproduction system. Through this method several identical copies of an animal can be created. This breeding system consists of the following steps.

  • In the beginning of this procedure a mature ova is collected from the female reproductive tract.
  • In the next step you have to remove the haploid nucleus of the ova through ultraviolet radiations.
  • Once the ova becomes enucleated, the diploid nucleus of the somatic cell is introduced in the egg. Then it develops into a diploid individual.
  • This embryo after reaching in its blastocyst stage is further implanted into a surrogate mother. Click here for further information

This method is particularly effective when you are aiming to improve the desired traits of your flock. This method brought great benefits for the dairy industries. Because through this technique you can easily transmit the desired traits from the donor to the offspring. Because of this technology you can exclusively bring significant amount of improvements in the production of the herd (milk or meat production). This technique was first successfully accomplished in Scotland 1996. This method show the possibility of resurrecting the extict species of animals.

These are all the details regarding what is animal breeding system and what are types of breeding. Happy learning

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