HomeDVM2nd Year DVMVeterinary Microbiology Important Viva Questions

Veterinary Microbiology Important Viva Questions [All Details]

In this blog post we are going to share with you a list of veterinary microbiology important viva questions which will truly help you excel in the viva sessions of your exams. These question are really comprehensive and they will enable you to have an exposure as well as an idea regarding the pattern of questions and in this way, you will conquer your exams like a warrior. So stay connected.

Before sharing the viva questions we would first like to mention the syllabus.

1 Introduction to Microbiology and immunology
2 Introductory Bacteriology
3 Pathogenic Bacteria
4 Mycology
5 Introductory Virology
6 Viruses and Prions
7 Microbial Agents and Disease Production

Veterinary Microbiology Important Viva Questions

Here is the list of veterinary microbiology important viva questions.

scared baby

Viva Questions for Immunology portion.

  1. What is immunology and explain its importance?
  2. Differentiate between innate and adaptive immunity.
  3. How can you differentiate between granulocytes and agranulocytes?
  4. Can you distinguish the functions of B and T lymphocytes?
  5. Why innate immunity is called non specific immunity?
  6. How does adaptive immunity initiates its response against pathogens?
  7. Can you explain the function of interleukins and interferons?
  8. How the natural killer cells and helper T cells are produced during an immune response?
  9. What is hypersensitivity? Can you explain its types?
  10. How can you differentiate between live and attenuated vaccine?
  11. Define vaccine and it types.
  12. What are the roles of cytokines and chemokines in an immune response?

Viva Questions For Bacteriology Portion

Viva Questions For Bacteriology Portion

  1. How can you differentiate between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?
  2. What is Brucella and explain its pathogenesis.
  3. Define the pathogenesis of helicobacter pylori
  4. Can you explain the function of peyer’s patches?
  5. Define tuberculosis and its pathogenesis.
  6. How can you explain antimicrobial resistance and its prevention?
  7. Define anthrax.
  8. What is lock jaw and explain its etiology?
  9. Explain gangrenous mastitis and the agent that causes it.
  10. What is the most common bacterial disease that is occurs in hatcheries and layer farms?

Important Viva Questions For Virology Portion

Important Viva Questions For Virology Portion

  1. Explain the structure of virus.
  2. How can you define the viral replication stages?
  3. Can you elaborate the host immune response against viral infections?
  4. What is the function of dendritic cells in antiviral response?
  5. Define Newcastle disease and explain its sign and symptoms.
  6. How interferons produce an antiviral response against the virus?
  7. What types of biosecurity measures can you implement to prevent your farm from outbreaks?
  8. How does the vaccine produce its response against newcastle disease?
  9. Can you define the structure of prions?
  10. How can you define the mad cow disease?
  11. What is rabies and define its etiology.
  12. What are the sign and symptoms of rabies?
  13. How does the rabies cause cerebral damage and muscle paralysis?
  14. Explain the foot and mouth disease.
  15. How to collect samples in case of foot and mouth disease?
  16. Define retroviruses.
  17. What is the function of reverse transcriptase enzyme in retroviruses?
  18. Name some of the viruses that cause diarrhea in animals.
  19. How will you define egg drop syndrome?
  20. What is open reading frame and how it is necessary in studying genetic expression?
  21. What is the function of non structural proteins in Covid-19 virus?
  22. Why do we use antibody titer?
  23. What is hemagglutination test?
  24. Why do we perform hemagglutination test?

Important Guidelines For Viva Preparation

This is the complete list of the veterinary microbiology important viva questions. This is an authentic list which will be really beneficial for you and other veterinary students. Remember being confident is one of the key which will make you excel in your viva sessions. Stay calm and control your nerves. Listen to the questions carefully. Discuss the frequently asked questions along with your companions and try to help each other. Hope you have learned a lot and gained a pack of knowledge from this article.

Happy Learning people.

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Welcome to the wild world of veterinary magic! I'm Dr. Rizwan Qambrani, an intrepid explorer pursuing my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree at the illustrious Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water, and Marine Sciences (Balochistan, Pakistan). With boundless enthusiasm and a heart full of love for all creatures, I'm on a thrilling mission to unravel the mysteries of animal health and well-being. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we embark on daring rescues, heartwarming tales, and a symphony of wagging tails and happy meows! Let's dive headfirst into the paw-some world of veterinary adventure! :)


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