HomeDVM1st Year DVMImportant Veterinary Physiology Viva Questions

Important Veterinary Physiology Viva Questions

Vivas are the most critical sessions of our examination and veterinary physiology is one of the most difficult as well as the lengthiest subjects in the 1st year of veterinary medicine. In this blog post we are going to share with you some important veterinary physiology viva questions. In this way the students will be able to excel in their exams. We hope that this post will help you in the best way in your viva preparation.

Before diving into the questions, we will share with you the syllabus. 

  1. Introduction to veterinary physiology
  2. Blood and its composition
  3. Blood examination
  4. Blood grouping
  5. Nervous system
  6. Cardiovascular system
  7. Endocrine system
  8. Digestive system
  9. Calf digestive system
  10. Urinary system
  11. Male reproductive system
  12. Female reproductive system
  13. Milk composition
  14. Milk analysis
  15. Urine analysis
  16. Mammary glands
  17. Respiratory system

Here are is the list of questions which will surely help you excel in your viva session.

Viva Questions

Important Veterinary Physiology Viva Questions

  1. Define blood and its components
  2. Define the RBCs and its function
  3. Define the types of WBCs and its function
  4. What is the function of hemoglobin
  5. Define anemia and its types
  6. Define abnormalities in hemoglobin
  7. Define hematocrit
  8. Define platelets
  9. Explain the clotting factors
  10. Define Thrombus and embolism
  11. Difference between CNS and PNS
  12. Define the types of neurons in nervous system
  13. Define the structure of brain
  14. Define action potential
  15. Explain the structure of heart
  16. Define blood pressure
  17. Explain the mechanism of blood pressure
  18. Define the cranial nerves
  19. Define the ruminant digestive system
  20. Explain the developmental mechanism of calf digestive system
  21. How does the digestion occur in rumen
  22. Define hay and silage
  23. Define the pitutary gland and its function
  24. What are the disorders of pitutary gland and its effects on the body
  25. Define gigantism and dwarfism
  26. what are tropical hormones
  27. Which hormones are secreted by anterior pitutary gland
  28. Define thyroid gland and its functions
  29. Define the disorders of the thyroid gland and its effects on the body
  30. Define hirsutism
  31. Define adrenal gland and its functions
  32. Define urinary system
  33. How does kidney maintain the the blood volume
  34. Define the structure of nephron
  35. Define the process of urine formation
  36. Define diabetes and its types
  37. What is gestational diabetes
  38. What is ketosis
  39. Define the structure of pancreas
  40. Define the glucose transporting proteins
  41. Define the mechanism of breathing
  42. Define the function of ovaries
  43. Define the structure of testes
  44. How milk production is stimulated in female mammary glands

After providing you a list of important veterinary physiology questions, we hope that you will get enough guidance regarding the types of questions asked during the viva. We wish you a very best of luck for your exams. May you excel in your journey.

Welcome to the wild world of veterinary magic! I'm Dr. Rizwan Qambrani, an intrepid explorer pursuing my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree at the illustrious Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water, and Marine Sciences (Balochistan, Pakistan). With boundless enthusiasm and a heart full of love for all creatures, I'm on a thrilling mission to unravel the mysteries of animal health and well-being. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we embark on daring rescues, heartwarming tales, and a symphony of wagging tails and happy meows! Let's dive headfirst into the paw-some world of veterinary adventure! :)


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